Suntuity Foundation partners with Team Rubicon UK to provide hurricane relief for the Bahamas

Team Rubicon UK’s objective with this relief effort is to provide life saving aid to the Abaco and Grand Bahama Islands, where over 70,000 people have been rendered homeless without food or water. Suntuity Foundation provides reliable renewable power and access to clean water throughout parts of the developing world, parts of the United States, and in relief areas in the wake of natural disasters.


Suntuity Foundation (, a not-for-profit organization headquartered in central New Jersey, has partnered with Team Rubicon UK (, a veterans-based disaster response charity operating in the Bahamian Islands in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian, to help provide relief to its affected residents. Team Rubicon UK’s objective with this relief effort is to provide life-saving aid to the Abaco and Grand Bahama Islands, where over 70,000 people have been rendered homeless without food or water.

The partnership was formed due to Suntuity Foundation’s ability to leverage renewable energy sources such as portable solar panels, water filtration and storage systems for situations such as these. Portable solar panels will be used for relief missions in remote areas of the Bahamian islands where power and telecom have been eliminated following the storm. With no fuel for generators, the solar panels will charge satellite phones and other communication devices in these devastated areas and will help streamline relief efforts more efficiently.

“Having the support of the Suntuity Foundation with the gift of portable solar panels will allow our Strike Teams of volunteers deliver relief to the hardest to reach communities on Abaco and Grand Bahamas. Our mission, to remain flexible, mobile and self-sufficient, will be enhanced with folding solar panels that help sustain our array of safety communications equipment, as well as providing a much needed source of energy to communities that are cut off by Hurricane Dorian,” said Paul Taylor, Operations Response Manager for Team Rubicon, United Kingdom.

Suntuity Foundation, formed in 2011, provides reliable renewable power and access to clean water throughout parts of the developing world, parts of the United States, and in relief areas in the wake of natural disasters. The organization plans to further extend its expertise to Team Rubicon UK for any additional needs that fit the scope of its service capabilities. Having worked with partners on large scale projects, such as building off-grid community solar and “point of use” energy systems, DC well water irrigation systems, LED lighting solutions, and leveraging additional solar technology to derive water from air, the Foundation is well-equipped to provide continual assistance where needed.

“The Suntuity Foundation overall helps create safer and healthier living conditions for families around the world, which we believe is a human right,” said Suntuity CEO and Suntuity Foundation Chairman, Dan Javan. “Suntuity’s motto, and in order of importance, is ‘People, Planet, Profit’ — and its morals and values are aligned as such. Donating solar panels to the Bahamian Relief effort is a small gesture that can save lives in areas that need the most assistance during the recovery process, and it’s only the start of a continued partnership that can improve the lives of others.”

The not-for-profit organization is part of the Suntuity Group of Companies, a conglomerate of renewable energy, finance, technology and UAV service companies that has developed, built and managed over 275+ megawatts of renewable energy assets across the globe. For every solar system delivered through its solar division, Suntuity Solar (, a donation is made to the Foundation and its efforts to help those in need. With over approximately 1.2 billion people currently lacking access to basic power throughout the world, and an additional 2.1 billion people living without access to safely managed water systems, Suntuity Foundation’s efforts continue to improve the lives of hundreds of families throughout the US, Latin America, Africa, India and Asia.

If you’re interested in making a donation to support Team Rubicon and its Bahamian Relief Efforts, please visit:

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